Thursday, August 18, 2011

Rules of Life: Defined by MOI!

*Let me add a disclaimer: I try to abide by these myself, but I don’t claim to have them perfected!

1) You CAN do it. I constantly hear of people claiming to want certain things so bad, whether it is a drastic change of any kind or the slightest one, a new activity, one less activity…..My take on this: just make it happen. I have learned this and it has been life changing. Yes, certain things you can’t change immediately- like your job. But you can try. And keep trying. And while you try, what else can you do to offset that seemingly endless wait? Take a class for fun. Find a new hobby and hold yourself to it. Can’t afford it? I BET you can reduce some of your expenses enough to make up for it. Too tired? JUST GO- I practically guarantee you won’t regret it. I could go on and on. The point is, step out of your comfort zone, let go of your fear that is holding you back (once you realize that’s what it is) and just DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT. One step at a time is sometimes enough to make you realize that there is such a better way of going through life than by default.

2) Flakey = fake. Fake = waste of EVERYONE’s time. Yes, I really believe this! Do people really think that they are being nicer by saying yes to things while fully intending on making up an excuse and flaking later? Let me tell you, you’re not! I know it sounds harsh, but it’s pretty much dishonesty. I’ve been liberated by practicing telling people no when I just know I can’t or won’t make it to something. Yeah, that isn’t very fun either. But I personally feel it’s better than telling someone who is planning on you being somewhere that you can’t actually go. And best of all, it’s HONEST! I’ll stop now 

3) An attitude of gratitude is the way to opportunity. AND it rhymes! (Thanks Yogi tea). Treating people well is such a key in life. Obvious? You’d think so. But I watch so many people (at work, mostly) who get this crazy attitude due to their frustrations or how much more they (think) they know than everyone else and it exudes in their presence. Sure, you can feel that way, but it doesn’t mean you should act that way. This is different than the honesty I speak to above. This is what I consider grace, kindness, respect, and appreciation….etc. I’ve learned that when you up the bar on your attitude, and also make sure you treat people good no matter how cranky you are, it goes SUCH a long way. Nobody wants to be around a whiner, a downer, or a complainer. People will embrace you so much if you refrain from that as best as you can, and put that smile on your face.

4) Health matters. See two posts below.

I'll stop here. Just some of my thoughts for the day!!

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