I tried to make a cute blog post about things that I love but it was a mess. It didn’t flow, it wasn’t cute...wasn’t feelin’ it one bit. While I love looking at those kinds of blogs and have the artistic ability like at home (do-it-yourself-esque), I cannot translate any of that into a blog post. I look at all the blogs that I like to follow and I envy the authors’ abilities to make such a visually appealing blog with cute and great ideas whether it be fashion or décor, or whatever else. The only time I am really able to get going with a post is when I have some kind of epiphany or great conversation with a friend. Unfortunately, these things do not happen on a regular basis and I am left with nothing to post. Sigh….Ideas?
On another note, I’m having a not-so uplifting day, in which the panicked thoughts and stresses of “what am I going to do with my life” are at the forefront of my mind. I did make it back into the gym this morning after one week of being sick followed by another week of laziness, so that’s a good thing. But other than that, I can’t seem to strip my brain of worries and questions about how my career is going to pan out, and when. NOR can I think of a way to add some WOW into my blog in progress. Grrr.
Definitely stay with it. There are days when I feel no motivation and so I just post a picture. But my blog has been my little escape and blogging/reading other blogs brings me so much joy and inspiration. I love you for your honesty!